Thursday, March 12, 2009

Car That Runs on Water - How to Improve Gas Mileage

Water powered cars have been around for a couple of years. The invention itself is not new, about 100 years old. More and more people are interested in them these days since they have better gas mileage and save you a lot of money. They also have cleaner emission which is better for the environment.

With a water hybrid conversion kit a regular gasoline or diesel engine could be modified. With the addition of a very simple device hydrogen is extracted from water and is mixed with air and gasoline. The energy released from water supplements the gasoline. Only very little water is needed. You will need about a quart for 950 miles. The hydrogen and oxygen mixture, also called Brown's Gas provides about 3 times more energy, than gasoline. It is basically free energy from water.

There are other advantages of the water hybrid car. Besides better gas mileage and cleaner emission the HHO and gasoline mixture is better for the engine. It reduces engine temperature, the engine runs quieter and last longer.

In some cases you can double the gas mileage with the installation of a hydrogen conversion kit. These devices can be installed on cars, vans, trucks and SUVs.

To be able to run you car on water, you will need a hydrogen conversion kit. There are several conversion kits available on the market. Some of them are very inexpensive, but they still come with an easy-to-follow detailed installation guide.

With a water hybrid conversion kit you can improve your car's gas mileage and much more. This technology is available for you today. Some experts predict that the car companies will manufacture cars using this technology by the year 2012.

Click on the link below to find the right water hybrid conversion kit:

Click Here to find the right Conversion Kit.

Porsche Bidding Too Low for Volkswagen

From the time that Porsche has purchased additional stakes in Volkswagen, everybody has expected that it will soon be making a controlling bid for the takeover of Europes largest automaker. And this is exactly what the German sports car maker has done, during the first week of the month-long bidding process, Porsche AG has offered a bid for the takeover of VW but it was the lowest allowable under the German law and the investors didnt like it at all.

Porsche has acquired 188 common shares and 13 percent shares from Volkswagen shareholders as of the end of last week, basing in a statement to the Elektronischer Bundesanzeiger, which is the governments web site for financial filings.

The German sports car automaker has offered 35.9 billion euros or $48.9 billion for the Europes largest automaker which is 16 percent less than Volkswagens 42.7 billion-euro market value as of March 23, 2007 which is a day before Porsche has announced its plan.

The offer made is not intended for full ownership but more of a controlling stake, through such bid Porsche will be able to prevent any rival bid for Volkswagen especially now that the European court plans to cancel the German law that prevents for a takeover. Volkswagen Chairman Ferdinand Piech whose family controls Porsche has been able to increase his power ever since the sports car maker has bought a great amount of stake in 2005.

Volkswagens shares decline by 1.19 euros or 1.1 percent to 109.56 euros. The stock has gained 28 percent this year considered to be the fifth biggest gainer on Germanys benchmark DAX Index.

The Terms
The German sports car maker has bid 100.92 euros an ordinary share and 65.54 euros a preferred share. The bid period is from April 30 to May 29, 2007. During that period Porsches stake would remained at 30.92 percent of the voting rights. The sports car automaker also added that it is not seeking for a majority stake at this time.

The present bidding is quite important for Porsche since it will enable the sports car maker to make minimum legal bid to all shareholders and would no longer be required by law to present further purchase offers to all investors. The present bid is also a preparation of the German sports car maker for the upcoming elimination of the 47-year-old German law by EUs high court. It can be remembered that the controversial Volkswagen law prevents the takeover of any shareholder regardless of whether they hold the majority stake in the company.

And last February 13 an advocate general at the EUs highest court has recommended the scrapping of the Volkswagen Law by saying that it restricts the free movement of capital. Porsche has also supported the abolishment of the law since it plans to purchase additional stake at Volkswagen to further protect its investment plus increase its control in the largest automaker in Europe. It should be noted that Volkswagen is Porsche largest supplier of auto parts like for example the VW PS pump which is used for the production of sports cars. The two automakers also engaged in joint ventures.

Porsche has called for a shareholders meeting that will beheld in June 26 to discuss its offer. It has also obtained a 35 billion-euro line of credit to finance its purchase of additional Volkswagen shares.

For more about your VW PS pump needs like , visit your trusted online source.

Benjamin Hudson works as a supervisor at one of the top engineering firms in the business district of Louisiana. He is also a freelance journalist and has passion for anything automotive.

Should You Refinance or Sell?

If you have been making interest-only payments for a while, you might be nearing the end of the period in which you are allowed to do so. You might not feel financially able to take on a higher monthly payment - is it time to refinance or just sell and find a more manageable property?

Option 1: Refinancing

Refinancing has the benefit of allowing you to stay where you are and avoid the cost of a re-relocation. Especially if you have strong neighborhood ties, need to stay near particular schools, or have family nearby - staying put may be your better option. If you decide to refinance it is important to remember that refinancing begins a new time period for a particular loan. If you refinance on a 30-year loan, the 30 years begins again at the point at which you refinance. The positive side is that your house may have increased enough in value during the period of time you have been paying to allow you a cash-out refinancing after which you could use the cash for other needs.

Refinancing is also a good option if you will be able to refinance into a better mortgage rate than your existing one. If you find this is the case, be careful taking an adjustable rate mortgage that could rise to an unmanageable payment burden down the road. If you have an interest-only loan however, you might not be able to arrange lower payments even if you refinance. If you are refinancing in order to avoid foreclosure, it might pay to look around for the right lender who can provide you the best rate and a little breathing room while you re-evaluate your situation. Loan modification might also be an option to foreclosure. Similar to refinancing, a loan modification involves your original lender granting you a new loan to pay off the first one without re-applying.

Option 2: Sell

Maybe your children have moved out of the house permanently and you are looking to downsize? Have you been offered a better job in another city or state? Has your job changed since you moved into your current house and your commute is barely manageable? Aside from your mortgage payment, there are many reasons a move might benefit you personally and professionally. If this is the case (and the move has the added benefit of lowering your monthly expenses), moving may be a good option for you. However, moving solely to lower your monthly payment may not add up to significant savings after you factor in the costs of moving. Add up the expected cost of your move including real estate commissions, moving expenses, closing costs, and redecorating and make sure this amount still makes the move worth it. Also consider how long you are likely to be in your new house? Do you find yourself moving frequently?

If you are considering selling because of an impending foreclosure, try to find a seller before the foreclosure date so you can pay off your debt and avoid the foreclosure process. Remember that foreclosure is an expensive process for the lender as well. Discuss the possibility of a short sale in which the mortgage holder approves the sale of the property for the total market value.

Buying a home? Refinancing your mortgage? Need some spare cash to renovate your home? There are lots of reasons why you may need to talk to a mortgage broker about a mortgage. The biggest mistake you can make before you do is not doing proper research first.

Research can make you aware of current trends in the market and open your eyes to some of the unscrupulous tactics used by some greedy mortgage brokers. For all the information you need on home refinance visit our site at: