Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mobile Home Equity Loans

Mobile homes built on fixed foundations are appreciating properties their values appreciate with the passage of time. Hence, after a few years of timely mortgage payments, the value of the mobile home will be much higher than what it was bought for. This difference is called mobile home equity. Equity on a mobile home is equal to the numerical difference between the appraisal value of the home and the value of the mortgage.

Equity is built up over a period of time, and it is the possession of the owner of the mobile home. Since equity is a financial asset, it can be used as collateral to take a further loan. Such loans are called mobile home equity loans. Mobile home equity loans could be up to 85% to 100% of the value of the built-up equity on the home, depending on the credit score of the borrower and policies of the lender.

The process of taking a mobile home equity loan is much simpler than taking a normal loan. This is because the mobile home itself will be kept as collateral, or to be more specific, the equity on the home will be the collateral. The lenders would first get the property appraised through their appraisal officer or any other licensed professional. Then the value of the mortgage taken earlier is verified, and the difference is calculated to provide the equity. Mobile home equity loans carry lower rates of interest and can be spread over longer periods than ordinary loans.

A mobile home equity loan can be described as a mortgage upon a mortgage. Equity loans become very useful if a person wishes to start a small business enterprise after buying a home. Usually the lenders would not ask any questions about the purpose of the equity loan it can be used for anything from renovating the home to going on a cruise. Having said that, it is essential to remember that a home equity loan does increase the indebtedness of the person, and it is best to avoid them. No lender would provide a second equity loan, no matter how much equity is built up.

Mobile Home Loans provides detailed information on Mobile Home Loans, Bad Credit Mobile Home Loans, Mobile Home Equity Loans, Mobile Home Refinancing Loans and more. Mobile Home Loans is affiliated with RV Loan Calculator.

California Refinance Quote

The real estate in California is just about the hottest in the country. The value of homes is out of this world and continues to grow. If you're lucky enough to own a home in California, now is the time to refinance. You can take advantage of the value of your home and the low interest rates now being offered by California lenders. There are online lenders and traditional mortgage companies who will give you immediate quotes and your monthly payments can be lowered in a few short weeks.

When you refinance you can elect to go with a variable or fixed interest rate for as little as 15 years and sometimes as long as 40. You'll get the extra cash you need to payoff other high interest rate bills, car loans, etc. You might just want to use some of the cash to take a long awaited vacation to an exotic foreign land. You'll save money every month, and the more debt you pay off, the more money you'll save.

Online lenders are set up to provide you information about refinancing loans in California in an easy and convenient way. They will give you quotes from multiple mortgage companies by filling out one application. After you submit the application, lenders who want your business will contact you. In some cases, your California refinance loan can be approved in hours. The competition is stiff among lenders and some are offering 0 points and low refinancing charges just to get your business. Go online today and see how you can greatly lower your mortgage monthly payments and have some extra cash to take a dream vacation.

California Refinance provides detailed information on California Refinance, California Refinance Rates, California Refinance Mortgage, California Home Loan Refinance and more. California Refinance is affiliated with Prime Interest Rates.

Refinance Home Loan Mortgage Rates Fall Sharply

The mortgage industry has experienced slow application activity over the past several months, but that jogging pace may turn into a sprint as mortgage rates fell to historical lows recently. On November 25, the government announced some major credit stimulation initiatives in a bold move to bolster the depressed housing and mortgage markets. On the news, home loan rates tumbled by one-half percent, a move seldom encountered in the mortgage business. Three major components came together to create the sharp drop. First, the Treasury announced that they would now guarantee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debt and purchase up to $100 billion of that debt, thereby bolstering investor attraction to the safety of their issued bonds. Secondly, the Treasury announced that it would purchase up to $500 Billion of Fannie, Freddie, and Ginnie securities, creating much needed liquidity in the mortgage markets. Finally, Treasury yields dropped in a major one-day move, almost one-quarter percent on the 10-Year Treasury bond.

The result of this perfect storm of financial news was a one-half percentage point drop in mortgage rates and a potential beginning for stabilization in housing. Historically low mortgage rates may be just the stimulus needed to drive potential homebuyers off the fence to begin the offering process. After the government announcement, many lenders were offering par rates in the 5.5 percent range for 30-year fixed rate mortgages. Home loans at this price may be a hard deal to pass up for those refinancing loans and purchasing homes, especially in light of the roller coaster ride that mortgage rates have taken so far this year.

On the refinancing front, although interest rates are low, home prices continue to deteriorate across the country. The National Association of Realtors recently announced that sales of existing homes fell by 3.1 percent in October, and the median home sales price plunged 11.3 percent from a year ago to $183,000. On this news, it's important to keep in mind that a homeowner's qualified refinance home loan interest rate may not be as low as advertised offer rates, if their loan-to-value (LTV) ratio exceeds 80 percent. So, it's a good idea for those considering a mortgage refinance to get a handle on the value of their home, before they start shopping rates. The spread appears to be tightening for higher LTV home loan scenarios, but those refinancing over 90 percent of their home's value will most likely get the best deal with an FHA refinance.

As for the rate outlook ahead, many feel that the current low mortgage rates will continue for a while. Whether they decline even further is anyone's guess, but a leveling in home prices could be just the medicine needed for further rate dips.

Check out an Mortgage Refinance Rates at the Refinance ToolBox . Visit today for Refinance Home Loan information and current rate quotes.

Donating A Vehicle Helps In More Ways Than One

If you want to help your favorite charity, but are not sure how to do so, there are a number of creative donation options available through most major organizations. Whether it's a donation of time, money or objects, most charities are in big need of any assistance they can get. Even old cars, boats and trailers can translate into cash in the charity's hands, and a tax deduction for you.

The number of charities that accept donations of cars, boats and RVs are many and include such notables as the American Diabetes Association, Salvation Army and more. Here are a few things you need to know before donating cars or boats to nonprofits:

* Condition. Some agencies only accept vehicles in fully workable condition or close to it. Others will take push, pull or drag models. It all depends on the agency and what they intend the use for. Oftentimes, those agencies that accept push and pull models intend to rehab and sell them or just outright sell them to make money for their charitable operations.

* Transportation. Some agencies will arrange for pickups, others will not. If your donation isn't operable, you'll want to know this information.

* Tax deductions. Donations to certified nonprofits will, or should, result in tax deduction statements. It's a good idea to have a basic understanding of the vehicle's value and get the donation statement. This can result in a big tax deduction at the end of the year.

* Designated use. Some agencies will allow you to designate what program or programs you'd like to benefit from your gift. If this is the case with the agency you're intending to donate to, explore their programs and make the choice.

So why do nonprofits need cars, trucks, boats and RVs? The answer to that depends on the agency. There are three main reasons why nonprofits accept these items as donations:

* Resale. Some agencies simply clean up and resell the donations to help them bankroll their charity efforts. At auction, cars, trucks, boats and more can bring them sizeable amounts that really assist in their efforts.

* Agency reuse. Depending on the quality of the vehicles donated, the agency itself might be able to use them for its own fleet. Nonprofits that help elderly people get to their medical appointments or deliver food, for example, can benefit from having solid, workable cars donated to assist them in this mission. It costs a lot for a nonprofit to buy cars, and when they're donated, their operating funds can go on the things that really matter.

* Reuse for clients. Some agencies, especially those that help people get back on their feet, try to provide working vehicles for their clients. The outright donation of a workable car, for example, could end up in the hands of a single mother working to make ends meet. No strings attached, the car donation can help her get to work, take care of her kids and more.

#1 Resource
Car donation.

Steps to Refinancing a Mortgage - The Basics

The easiest way to understand refinancing is to think of it as applying for a loan to pay off an existing loan, secured against the same assets or property. For example, you have a mortgage on your primary residence, and when you applied for that mortgage you opted in for a fixed interest rate during your initial term. Now three to five years into your term your fixed rate is considerably higher than competing rates in the open market.

I guess at this point I'm screwed, right?

Not necessarily! This is where Mortgage Refinancing steps in. I can bet that your house is one of the largest assets you currently own. This also means that your mortgage payment is quite possibly the single largest monthly payment in your budget. When you refinance your mortgage you can also use the equity in your home, and enable this to become a reality. The lower your refinance rate, the lower your monthly payments are, and this means extra cash in your pocket! And while you're collecting that extra cash, your monthly mortgage payments are lowering allowing you to help your daughter pay off the rest of her student loan, or increase your monthly retirement savings contribution.

Am I still stuck with this 30-year mortgage?

Nope! A huge bonus when refinancing your home is that you can cut some time off the initial term of your mortgage. Let's say you originally signed in blood, for a 30-year term and have been slaving away making payments for 7 years. Mr. Mortgage Refinancing swings by and gives you the option of switching to a much shorter term i.e. 15 or 20 years. We're now looking at a possible savings in the thousands of dollars just in interest alone! To make your situation even better, why not maintain the same monthly payments as before? Why? This will build equity, and banks love equity. Leaving your monthly payment the same also means you are putting more towards the principal rather than the majority going towards interest. It's a win-win situation.

How about some cash in hand, is that an option?

If you need some cash in hand you can always go the Cash-Out Refinancing route. By using the equity built up in your home you can refinance at a higher amount than your current principal balance. This will enable you to take the extra funds as cash so you can get started on that new patio you've been dreaming of, or buy your husband those golf clubs he really wants for your 25thanniversary! I'm sure by now your getting a grip on the world of mortgage refinancing. When it comes to owning a home, it is required that you have a sense of discipline and flexibility. Many homeowners get comfortable with their long-time bank, and feel intimidated by all these options and forms they receive on a monthly basis to "sign up for this" or "get a plasma TV with a new mortgage". Beneath all the hype there is a market that is constantly fluctuating and it's waiting for smart, informed individuals to take advantage of its many services and products. If you do your homework, know what you can and can't do, you will be on your way to a more stable financial freedom.

So why limit yourself?

The homeowners market is no different from the stock market. Everyday rates are going up and down and it is up to you to learn the ropes and play the field. If you're afraid it will only hinder you in the end. Circumstances change, just like employment, and what you need out of that job or mortgage today may not be the same as your needs were 7 years ago. Sit down, re-evaluate, and make a decision. It's your money and your home, and the sooner you pay off your debts the sooner you can begin enjoying life.

E.B. Vieau has worked for some of the largest financial institutions in North America as a Financial Analyst, and Registered Insurance Broker within the Automobile and Residential sectors.

Visit now and find the answers you need regarding Home, Personal and Business Loans. Refinancing your home is easier than you think!

Mortgage Refinance Leads - What Are They and How to Become Successful

Mortgage refinance leads are the best form of deals when considering benefits for both the lender and the borrower. Mortgage refinance leads are those where a mortgage company finances a person in order to finish paying off their previous mortgage.

The most interesting mortgaging refinance is the zero fee refinance - to bring down your monthly installments, a zero fee refinance can constitute an alternative in which refinance dealing is carried through without expending additional cash from your pocket. Under the no fee refinance programs, it is the lender who bears and costs in the closedown prices and settlement fees.

The means by which both the borrower and the lender end up satisfied is a very advantageous and surprising implication of this process. A person who is borrowing using the no refinance scheme will not be giving additional money in order to enable the transaction, but the broker will make up a hefty commission when the deal is sealed.

In order to make up for his expenditures the broker gives the loan at a higher rate of interest, thus making up a good profit for themselves as well. The reason for doing so is to receive a rebate from his financier and to make up some money as his fee also. This he does to receive a rebate from the lender to cover the fees as well as net his commission. This plan is good for everyone involved. Moreover, the fact that the borrower never paid money makes up a future client base for him.

To make up for his demands, the borrower has lots of options to complete his mortgage terms. The options are wide open too. The borrower must ask and clarify with his broker all the possible ways and possibilities which are open for him.

Even though schemes such as no fee refinance is suited for those borrowers who do not have a large amount of money or highly valuable property, the borrower must be willing to pay up at a higher rate in order to get this service. One must also check for advice and tips on refinancing mortgages, such services are available everywhere, and at free of cost. So when looking for leads, never feel shy to tell them to consult many advisors.

This is the explanation of a zero refinance scheme. Finding such a lead can be very useful to the company and to the person, so it becomes essential for the mortgage lead finder to find such leads in order to bring forth better profits. But also, finding such mortgage refinance leads can be very difficult, but success will not follow you without proper efforts.

So make the effort and find great leads!

John Whetton has been in the mortgage lead generation business for a little over 8 years now. He has seen the market in both the best and more challenging times and so has a wealth of experience, which he now hopes can benefit others.

John runs a daily blog on mortgage refinance leads over at where he is developing a community to help each other.