Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mobile Home Equity Loans

Mobile homes built on fixed foundations are appreciating properties their values appreciate with the passage of time. Hence, after a few years of timely mortgage payments, the value of the mobile home will be much higher than what it was bought for. This difference is called mobile home equity. Equity on a mobile home is equal to the numerical difference between the appraisal value of the home and the value of the mortgage.

Equity is built up over a period of time, and it is the possession of the owner of the mobile home. Since equity is a financial asset, it can be used as collateral to take a further loan. Such loans are called mobile home equity loans. Mobile home equity loans could be up to 85% to 100% of the value of the built-up equity on the home, depending on the credit score of the borrower and policies of the lender.

The process of taking a mobile home equity loan is much simpler than taking a normal loan. This is because the mobile home itself will be kept as collateral, or to be more specific, the equity on the home will be the collateral. The lenders would first get the property appraised through their appraisal officer or any other licensed professional. Then the value of the mortgage taken earlier is verified, and the difference is calculated to provide the equity. Mobile home equity loans carry lower rates of interest and can be spread over longer periods than ordinary loans.

A mobile home equity loan can be described as a mortgage upon a mortgage. Equity loans become very useful if a person wishes to start a small business enterprise after buying a home. Usually the lenders would not ask any questions about the purpose of the equity loan it can be used for anything from renovating the home to going on a cruise. Having said that, it is essential to remember that a home equity loan does increase the indebtedness of the person, and it is best to avoid them. No lender would provide a second equity loan, no matter how much equity is built up.

Mobile Home Loans provides detailed information on Mobile Home Loans, Bad Credit Mobile Home Loans, Mobile Home Equity Loans, Mobile Home Refinancing Loans and more. Mobile Home Loans is affiliated with RV Loan Calculator.

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